Pro Igel e.V. is planning a modern museum that will link hedgehog exhibits with information and education. The Museum Erinaceum aims to spread current knowledge about hedgehogs in general as well as how to protect and rescue them. Exhibits will include hedgehog art ranging from artistic to cute, from stuffed toys and the famous “Mecki” toy hedgehog to ceramic hedgehogs. Visitors will also find depictions of hedgehogs on stamps and paintings. The museum will provide historical information and reading about hedgehog biology and behaviour. Another focus will be to inform visitors about the habitat of hedgehogs and the dangers they face as well as the treatment and care of hedgehogs. A primary aspect of the museum’s approach will be environmental-science education with a focus on modern teaching methods for both big and small. We plan to offer events and courses for school classes, associations and other interested parties. If possible, we would like to add a model garden tailored to hedgehogs to the museum.

The main aim of the Museum Erinaceum will be to impart knowledge and, as such, to support the protection of hedgehogs in the broadest sense.

However, everything is still in the planning phase. We still need the right building, modern equipment and technology and – first and foremost – long-term, secure funding.

We are looking for the right support and possible partners for our ambitious plans. Please contact us with any ideas or offers. The Pro Igel e.V. board will be happy to talk to you. We also welcome material donations, such as hedgehog-related rarities as exhibits and non-fiction hedgehog books, both current and historical. Most importantly, we are asking you to donate money. Please help us make the Museum Erinaceum a reality.