We are happy to provide access to all info sheets and flyers published by Pro Igel e.V. as PDFs. Go to the Pro Igel web shop to order our info sheets on hedgehogs, protecting and rescuing hedgehogs, our flyer to raise awareness about dangers for hedgehogs and all other Pro Igel e.V. publications. You can also order by email or by phone. We offer discounted prices to private citizens and associations ordering multiple copies.

You need Adobe Acrobat Reader to read the pamphlets. Click on the image to open a publication.


Information leaflets on hedgehog rescue
Each of our leaflets provides 8 pages in colour of information about hedgehogs with practical guidance on appropriate hedgehog rescue and advice on hedgehog conservation.

Wild animal

Danger recognized –
danger averted

Shelters and
feeding houses

Caring for hedgehogs
in need

Feeding hedgehogs
in our care

Rearing orphaned

Young hedgehogs
in need of help in the Autumn

in human care

Release of
recovered hedgehogs

Extract from German
Legal Regulation

Information flyers (in German language) on hedgehog hazards
(New since summer 2019)
Our two-sided flyers on hazards für hedgehogs and tipps how to avoid them

Mowing machines

Waste/Yellow bag


Poison/Animal distributors
