Responsible according §6 MDStV (German “Mediendienstestaatsvertrag”)
Dipl.-Vet.-Med. Carsten Schiller, Berlin

Editorial, texts, design & realisation
Ulli Seewald, Münster/Westf. ©

Editorial advice, texts
Monika Neumeier, Lindau/Bodensee ©

English translation
Dru Burdon, Jersey, Kanal-Inseln, Großbritannien

Arminius Medienagentur Dortmund
Ulli Seewald, Münster/Westf.

Script programming
Burkard Rosenberger, Munster/Westf. (Search “Igel-Bulletin”)
Matthias Goden, University of Munster/Westf. (Litw3: Open source program for webbased literature management, used for Pro Igel’s literature database PrIgLiDat)

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